Nostril himmage o'rguss monnjhi bllepity blep bep your majestry, lollo. Hi ha nostrolos ostros mah eyiih hammamamnangg deg dg uf f hhhuhuhuhuh meg peggleston. oboy Nostril himmage o'rguss monnjhi bllepity blep bep your majestry, lollo. Hi ha nostrolos ostros mah eyiih hammamamnangg deg dg uf f hhhuhuhuhuh meg peggleston.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Testy Testerson, Jr.

Lusum ipsis pardernken motilla ja gugga hana hanna hannnnomana o'feeenbean, lol. ugijug uf uf uuf Fufyugd dgjj fygwkinx oydfwj sggj sg g sj ihuggggggggggg.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Back from the dead

Apologies to those who have sent items for this project, but much has been going on in the real world that's kept me from being online much for the past couple of months. This includes, ironically, my own grandmother's passing away.

If you sent me something, please e-mail me at so I can get all my ducks in a row...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

M. A. Gingras

M. A. Gingras from Burnaby, Canada sent four lovely handmade cards (with nice notations on the backs like "You will always have sunshine"), and today they went out to four lucky winners:

Long Run Cemetery, Shelby County, KY.

Berrytown Cemetery, Berrytown, KY.

Eastwood Cemetery, Eastwood, KY.

Middletown Historic Cemetery, Middletown, KY.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Welcome to the new blog for DEATH DECORATION FOUNDATION, an art project by Jeffrey Scott Holland.

When wandering through old and neglected cemeteries, do you ever feel sorry for graves from centuries past, because it's obvious no one has visited and left flowers or cards there in decades, even centuries? Do you feel bad for all the dead people that have been completely forgotten by their own descendents? Well, we're here to help. Send us mail art, cards, interesting objets d'art, what have you, and we'll place them on a lonely and obscure grave in the middle of nowhere as a special surprise for some lucky dead person!